Accountability Software


accountability attention Jan 10, 2024

I’ve had a love/hate relationship with this word for a long time.

On one side, I recognize the undeniable benefits of being accountable to someone or something, a force that propels us forward. Simultaneously, I grapple with the idea of surrendering our personal power, questioning why some willingly place their responsibility for their own lives in the hands of external factors.

I see this word all over LinkedIn and Facebook groups, people’s messages, emails and public discussion as to “why” someone may not be hitting their mark.

Let's delve into this duality, exploring the merits of external accountability while safeguarding the essence of personal empowerment. As I share my thoughts, we'll unravel methods to reclaim ownership and foster a profound sense of accountability to oneself.

Embracing External Accountability: A Double-Edged Sword

There's an inherent power in being held accountable to someone else. It provides structure, motivation, and a tangible commitment that fuels progress. We often find ourselves reaching new heights when we know someone is watching, waiting for us to deliver on our promises. The external gaze can serve as a potent catalyst for achievement.

I have noticed that most “W2” earners, or those used to working for someone else heavily seek accountability. I’ve seen and heard this from my very own coaching clients that are transitioning from being an employee to being a business owner. I say transitioning on purpose; it doesn’t just happen…it’s a journey of its own right. They are used to having to show up for someone else, thus being “accountable”.

However, let's not gloss over the reservations many of us harbor.

This is what comes to mind for me:
Why entrust our life's reins to someone or something external?
Does it not undermine our autonomy and the very essence of personal responsibility?
Why would anyone rely on a third party to create their very own life?

It's a valid concern and one that warrants careful consideration. After all, this is YOUR life…

Maintaining Personal Power: The Balancing Act

Here lies the delicate dance – leveraging external accountability without sacrificing our inherent power. It's not about forfeiting control but rather about orchestrating a harmonious partnership. Picture it as a tandem bicycle ride; both riders contribute, each pedaling in sync, propelling the journey forward.

External accountability can be our riding companion, but we steer the direction.

So, how do we strike this balance? The key is to view external accountability not as a relinquishment of control, but as a collaborator in our quest for growth. It becomes a tool, not a crutch. In this dance, we lead, shaping our destiny while appreciating the support external structures offer.

I have personally found leverage in external accountability through creating a daily system I’m accountable to. This happened for me during the pandemic as I went from working 50-60 hours a week to working less than 20 with 5 kids at home and having to start over during the lockdown.

I had to not only start over, but also really figure out how to leverage my attention and input 20% for 80% of my results.

I created a system inside a no code software, built it out for my life. It’s what I use today. It allows me to plan my days and follow a simple list of what I HAVE to do to create results. You can check that out HERE.

Moving on.

Methods for Self-Accountability: Crafting Your Path

Now, let's shift our focus to the empowering realm of self-accountability. Taking ownership of our actions, well-being, and goals is a profound act of self-love and responsibility. Nobody teaches us this in these words, do they? If they did, maybe our ownership level would be BETTER…

Here are some methods to anchor yourself in this empowering space:

Clear, Achievable Goal Setting:

Begin with defining your goals. Make them crystal clear, specific, and achievable. Avoid overwhelming yourself with lofty ambitions. Break them down into manageable steps, creating a roadmap for success. This clarity becomes your guiding light, anchoring you in your journey. Remember, it’s what you do daily that creates the week, then the month and then the year. Your day IS your system.

Regular Progress Reviews:

Set aside dedicated time for regular progress reviews. Reflect on your achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. This habit not only keeps you on track but fosters a deep understanding of your journey. Acknowledge both victories and setbacks, celebrating the former and extracting wisdom from the latter. I do this weekly. The ability to just begin again at anytime is the gift meditation has given me.

Cultivating Self-Awareness:

Develop a keen sense of self-awareness. Understand your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, and motivations. This introspection forms the bedrock of accountability. When you intimately know yourself, you're better equipped to navigate challenges and capitalize on your strengths. I am obsessed with understanding your strengths. If you haven't ever taken a strengths assessment, you can do that HERE.

Action Steps:

Thanks for exploring this with me. Let's distill our insights into three actionable steps for heightened personal accountability:

Embrace Self-Reflection:

Dedicate regular time for introspection. Ask yourself tough questions, assess your progress, and align your actions with your values. This self-reflection fuels a continuous loop of growth and accountability.

Create a Supportive Environment:

Surround yourself with a community that uplifts and supports your journey. Share your goals with trusted individuals who encourage and hold you accountable. A supportive environment acts as a formidable ally in your pursuit of excellence.

Establish Consistent Routines:

Routine instills discipline. Craft daily habits that align with your goals. Consistency in action builds momentum and reinforces your commitment. It's the small, daily choices that culminate in profound transformations.

As we navigate the labyrinth of accountability, remember that it's not a one-size-fits-all concept. Tailor these methods to suit your unique journey and preferences. The key is to blend the benefits of external structures with the unwavering power of self-accountability.

In efforts to embrace accountability, we have a texting platform we are launching this January of 2024 that will be an amazing partner for you. It was started as a tool inside one of our programs and will now be available to everyone looking for accountability. Learn more HERE.

Thank you for reading.

I hope you found value in this.

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  • The Podcast: I interview top professionals every week. Listen in HERE.
  • The Startup Agent: A different type of real estate book. Less than $20 on Amazon HERE.
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