Welcome to ‘Better Bits,’ where we serve up bite-sized brilliance to fuel your journey of self-improvement and business building. In each quick read, we deliver three actionable insights crafted to help you enhance both your personal and professional pursuits. It’s not just about building better...

it’s about being better, one ‘Better Bit’ at a time.

P2P = Person 2 Person communication sales May 01, 2024


Standard channels for consumer or business…and then there’s…


All things my kids say all day long.

What about P2P?

People 2 People. The foundation of relationships, business and communications.

No people, no business. That’s it.

Hello friends!

In a world...

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Solve. Don't Sell. lead gen sales Dec 20, 2023

Read Time: 5 Minutes


Many are scared of that small, five letter word.

Some of us are:

  • Afraid to sell.
  • Fear asking for the sale.
  • Annoyed when we are being sold to.
  • Working through our own money issues.
  • And the list goes on…

Let’s go deeper.

What if you didn’t actually...

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