Welcome to ‘Better Bits,’ where we serve up bite-sized brilliance to fuel your journey of self-improvement and business building. In each quick read, we deliver three actionable insights crafted to help you enhance both your personal and professional pursuits. It’s not just about building better...

it’s about being better, one ‘Better Bit’ at a time.

One at a time, please. focus personal development May 13, 2024

One at a time, please.

Have a list of things to do, companies to run and dreams to bring to life and want them all now?

Ya, me too. I thought I could do it all once at one point.

I worked a 9-5 once.
I started and partnered in multiple companies.

I worked for days at a time.
Sometimes I was up...

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Distraction attention focus Apr 17, 2024


That word that follows us around all day stealing our attention.

Shiny object syndrome? Nope, distraction.

The urgent needs of our family? Nope, distraction.

I know, I’m so cold…

The to do list of never ending bulls#*&? You guessed it, distraction.

Email, text,...

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100% Theory attention focus Apr 03, 2024

There is a myth that plagues most of us. 

This myth is that everything has to be done at once.

It’s a falsehood.

Babies aren't created at once.

Houses aren't built at once.

Wine isn't made at once.

All of these examples take time. They have a process.

It’s supposed to be an...

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Limiting Your Choices attention focus Jan 17, 2024


Decision fatigue is real.

Steve Jobs talked about this.

  • His wardrobe.
  • His use of time.
  • His product mix at Apple.

Limit your choices.
Focus your outcomes.
Increase your successes.

I’d like to get into unlocking potential through constraints. Let’s delve into the...

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Delay Vs. Denial focus personal development Jan 03, 2024

I have a story…

When my second son was born, my wife and I were at parenting class at the hospital. The person leading this group asked this question of us: “what two traits do you want your child to have from your partner?”

My wife immediately said these two words:

  • Tenacity
  • ...
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Stoicism In Your Life And Business focus personal development Dec 13, 2023

Read Time: 4 Minutes


Heard of it?

I want to share some things.

Let’s start with what it is and some background.

Stoicism is a philosophical school of thought that originated in ancient Greece and Rome. It emphasizes the importance of rationality and self-control in facing life's...

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Runway - Creating Space For YOU focus personal development Dec 06, 2023

Read Time: 6 minutes

Today I would like to talk about creating space for yourself. There is a word I associate with this.


This word has tremendous meaning.

You may be thinking of:

  • Fashion Runway: A long narrow platform, typically raised, where models showcase clothing and accessories...
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Your Most Powerful Tool attention focus Nov 14, 2023

Read Time: 2 Minutes

In our fast-paced world, there is one remarkable and often underestimated tool that each of us possesses - our attention. It's not a tangible object, but it wields incredible power to shape our lives. Today, I invite you to explore the profound influence of your attention and...

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