Solve. Don't Sell.

lead gen sales Dec 20, 2023

Read Time: 5 Minutes


Many are scared of that small, five letter word.

Some of us are:

  • Afraid to sell.
  • Fear asking for the sale.
  • Annoyed when we are being sold to.
  • Working through our own money issues.
  • And the list goes on…

Let’s go deeper.

What if you didn’t actually sell?

What if you simply SOLVE?

Story time.

In 2007 I had a massive opportunity to solve a serious challenge for a University in Southern California.

They had a mandate to reduce their carbon footprint by 25%.

That’s a massive reduction.

The carbon footprint at that time was mainly due to energy consumption. Specifically, air conditioning and lighting.

The bulk of any electric bill is HVAC and lighting, until LED solutions came along.

But my team and I were early. Like 5 years early…however, we were solving a massive problem.

Early to what? The LED Lighting game. Specifically, commercial LED lighting.

The “sale” became a problem to solve for us. We were excited about the challenge.

What if we could save you 50% on your lighting bill? What about 75%? Would that be interesting to you?

100% YES.

That’s what we offered. We were immediately given a building to start installation and testing on.

We started.
We failed. Like 10 times.
Actually, we caught the building on fire…

But we saved 80% on electricity before that.

So we worked through our challenges and got it right to deliver a solution.

The team at the University was patient and really needed a solution ASAP.

Within 6 months we had insane results.

Quality light.
Massive savings.
Reduced maintenance.

We SOLVED, so we didn’t have to sell.

This was our first client.

The second client? How about a massive public company with millions of square feet around the world to light up and not only save energy, but increase sustainability and reduce service expenses.

I cold called the facilities manager at this organization. He laughed and told me I didn’t have that technology because it doesn’t exist.

Then he hung up on me.

I called him back.

I asked for 15 minutes in the parking lot to prove to him what I had.

He agreed while laughing.

I drove down there (1 hour away).
Called him from the visitor lot.
He came outside to laugh.

I plugged in my light to an inverter in my car and his face got real serious, real fast.

15 min later I was standing on their conference table retrofitting the conference room with my lights surrounded by a handful of skeptical engineers who could not believe what was happening.

The following week, I went back and did 4 offices, each in a different color spectrum.

Within 30 days, we received a blanket purchase order. This means every month we would receive a consistent order to fulfill for the client.

One location to start. Four million square feet. This facilities manager was my new BFF by the way.

Solve. Don’t Sell.

It’s so much easier.

Identify the client.
Identify the challenge.
Create the solution to SOLVE.

Now that we talked about some real life examples, let’s get further into it.

In a world inundated with advertisements and sales pitches, the most effective way to engage an audience is by adopting a "solve, don't sell" approach. This philosophy centers around the idea that, rather than bombarding potential customers with product features and discounts, businesses should focus on understanding and addressing their audience's problems.

The Power of Problem Solving

Building Trust through Understanding

When you genuinely seek to understand your audience's pain points, you lay the foundation for trust. Instead of presenting a product as a one-size-fits-all solution, take the time to listen and empathize. This approach not only positions your brand as customer-centric but also establishes a connection that goes beyond a transactional relationship.

Shifting from Sales to Solutions

Traditional sales tactics often involve convincing customers that they need a particular product. However, by adopting a problem-solving mindset, you flip the script. Rather than pushing a sale, you're pulling customers in by offering solutions to challenges they may not have even articulated yet. This subtle shift can result in a more receptive audience and a higher likelihood of conversion.

Creating Lasting Impressions

When you solve a problem for someone, you create a memorable experience. This positive interaction can lead to word-of-mouth referrals and repeat business. Customers are more likely to remember the brand that helped them navigate a challenge rather than one that bombarded them with sales pitches. Your business becomes associated with solutions, making it stand out in a crowded market.

Implementing "Solve, Don't Sell"

Conducting Customer Research

To effectively solve your audience's problems, you must first understand them. Invest time in thorough customer research, including surveys, interviews, and social media listening. Identify common pain points and challenges your target demographic faces. This information becomes the foundation for tailoring your offerings to meet genuine needs. You simply have to show up where they are and ask.

Personalizing Communication

Once armed with insights, personalize your communication. Craft messaging that directly addresses the specific problems your audience encounters. Use relatable language, and showcase real-world examples of how your product or service can be a solution. This personalized approach resonates more deeply and fosters a sense of connection. Show up in your authenticity. It matters, I promise.

Providing Value-driven Content

Extend your problem-solving philosophy beyond direct interactions. Create content that adds value to your audience's lives. Whether it's through blog posts, webinars, or tutorials, position your brand as a resource. When customers see you as a provider of valuable information, they're more likely to turn to you when they encounter challenges. Authority building 101 friends.

Action Steps:

Implement a Customer Feedback Loop:

  • Set up a systematic approach to collect and analyze customer feedback regularly. Use this information to continually refine your understanding of their needs and pain points.

Train Your Team in Empathy:

  • Ensure that your customer-facing teams are trained in empathy. This skill is crucial for actively listening to customers, understanding their concerns, and conveying genuine care.

Audit Your Content for Value:

  • Review your marketing content and assess its value to your audience. Is it primarily promotional, or does it genuinely provide insights and solutions? Make adjustments to align your content with the "solve, don't sell" philosophy.

By embracing the "solve, don't sell" approach, you not only differentiate your brand but also contribute to a more positive and meaningful relationship with your audience. Remember, the goal is not just to make a sale but to become a trusted partner in addressing the challenges your customers face.

Bonus Exercise:

  • Make a list of the challenges your ideal client is facing.
  • Make a list of the challenges you can help them solve.
  • Create ONE solution to ONE problem and offer it to your ideal client.

This will take some iteration.
This will take some time to understand.
This will help you build a BETTER business to serve.

Thank you for reading.

I hope you found value in this.

Please share with anyone that this can help.

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